Elephants – The Animal Spirit Guide

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Only elephants should own ivoryYao Ming

The elephant is a wonderful animal spirit guide. It has an old soul, one that has lived for many years, and it understands exactly how to live in this world and what it needs to do to live a balanced life.

I first became aware of my animal spirit guide after I was given this beautiful sculpture of two African elephants staring lovingly into each other’s eyes as though they are meditating. The elephants are always nearby when I practice and when I teach, and I am totally fascinated by them.

Two beautiful African elephants meditating

In many cultures, elephants are featured as symbols of power, wisdom, inspiration, and reverence and their strength is legendary throughout history as well as mythology. Even today, they still carry this powerful connotation with them, which makes them the perfect spirit animal for anyone who wants to take charge of what’s happening in their life.

It is said that when you find the elephant spirit guide in your life, you will become more aware of your own strengths and abilities. You will become more secure, knowing that you have the power to create what you want your life to be. This certainly resonates with me!

Two beautiful African elephants meditating
Thamsanqa Kundalini Yoga

Thamsanqa  is a given name, from the Xhosa, Ndebele and Zulu word meaning ‘blessing(s)‘fortune’ or ‘luck’.

In many cultures, elephants are featured as symbols of power, wisdom, inspiration, and reverence and their strength is legendary throughout history as well as mythology. Even today, they still carry this powerful connotation with them, which makes them the perfect spirit animal for anyone who wants to take charge of what’s happening in their life.

It is said that when you find the elephant spirit guide in your life, you will become more aware of your own strengths and abilities. You will become more secure, knowing that you have the power to create what you want your life to be. This certainly resonates with me!

Many people will see elephants as more than just an animal – they will see them as a symbol of protection and strength and an ally that will guide them through the difficult times of their lives. Through contemplation and meditation about the elephant’s spirit guide qualities, we can use its wisdom to enhance our own strength. The following represents a cross-section of an elephant’s characteristics, and how we can relate to them:

Community: The elephant, as a revered animal spirit guide, embodies profound characteristics that illuminate the essence of community. These majestic beings, known for their strong familial bonds, symbolise unity, cooperation, and a deep sense of community. Elephants navigate their journey through life within tightly-knit family structures, emphasising the importance of intergenerational connections. I  recognise the elephant’s guidance as a beacon for fostering a sense of togetherness within a community. Their wisdom encourages us to prioritise the well-being of our community, to support one another through challenges, and to celebrate shared joys. The elephant spirit guide imparts lessons on the strength found in unity, reminding us that the interconnectedness of a community is a source of resilience, compassion, and enduring bonds. Through the elephant’s gentle and protective nature, it teaches us the significance of creating a harmonious and supportive communal environment.

Stability: The elephant embodies a profound symbol of stability and grounded strength. With its massive presence and steadfast demeanor, the elephant imparts lessons on the importance of establishing a solid foundation in our spiritual and physical lives. Elephants navigate through life with a deliberate and sure-footed gait, reflecting the stability that comes from being deeply rooted in the Earth. I recognise the elephant’s guidance as a reminder to anchor ourselves in the present moment, to find stability amidst life’s uncertainties. The elephant spirit guide encourages us to stand firm in our beliefs, cultivate resilience, and weather the storms of change with grace. By aligning with the energy of the elephant, we can tap into the unwavering stability that resides within, fostering a sense of inner balance and enduring strength in the face of life’s ebb and flow.

Wisdom: The elephant is a symbol of profound wisdom and ancient knowledge. With their wrinkled, expressive faces and deep-set eyes, elephants emanate an aura of ancient souls carrying the weight of centuries. I perceive the elephant as a keeper of timeless wisdom, an embodiment of the collective consciousness. Elephants traverse the landscapes of life with a deliberate pace, reflecting a patient understanding of the intricate tapestry of existence. They invite us to tap into the wellspring of ancestral wisdom within, urging us to trust our inner guidance and draw upon the vast reservoir of accumulated insights. The elephant spirit guide teaches us the art of discernment, reminding us that true wisdom lies not only in acquiring knowledge but in applying it with compassion and foresight. By aligning with the energy of the elephant, we open ourselves to the deep reservoir of wisdom that transcends the boundaries of time and guides us along the sacred path of enlightenment.

Intuition: The elephant embodies the essence of heightened intuition and profound sensitivity. These majestic beings, with their keen awareness and perceptive nature, serve as messengers of the intuitive realm. I recognise the elephant’s guidance as an invitation to trust the subtle whispers of our inner knowing. Elephants navigate their surroundings with an innate understanding, sensing energies and emotions that elude the ordinary senses. They encourage us to attune ourselves to the vibrations of our intuition, to listen to the wisdom that arises from the depths of our being. The elephant spirit guide teaches us the art of embracing our instincts, urging us to honor the intuitive guidance that leads us along the sacred path of spiritual awakening. By aligning with the energy of the elephant, we open the channels of intuitive wisdom, allowing the profound guidance of our inner compass to illuminate our journey through the intricate realms of existence.

Power and strength: The elephant embodies unparalleled power and strength, both physical and spiritual. With their massive frames and formidable tusks, elephants symbolise an unwavering force capable of overcoming the most challenging obstacles. I perceive the elephant’s guidance as a call to harness our inner strength and tap into the profound wellspring of power within. Elephants demonstrate resilience in their journey, reminding us that true strength is often found in facing adversity with a calm and steadfast demeanor. The elephant spirit guide encourages us to stand tall and firm in our convictions, embracing the inherent power that resides in our authentic selves. They teach us that power is not about dominance but about wielding our strengths with compassion and wisdom. By aligning with the energy of the elephant, we awaken the dormant power within, enabling us to navigate life’s currents with grace and fortitude, and to leave a lasting impact on the world around us.

Earthed connection: The elephant epitomises a profoundly earthed connection that roots us deeply in the energies of Mother Earth. These majestic beings, with their massive bodies firmly planted on the ground, symbolize a harmonious integration with the natural world. I interpret the elephant’s guidance as an invitation to establish a sacred connection with the Earth, grounding ourselves in its nurturing energies. Elephants move with a deliberate and grounded demeanor, teaching us the importance of staying connected to the present moment and the tangible realities of life. The elephant spirit guide encourages us to draw strength from the Earth’s energies, fostering a sense of stability, security, and a rooted presence in our spiritual journey. By aligning with the energy of the elephant, we cultivate a profound earthed connection, allowing us to navigate the spiritual realms while remaining firmly anchored in the wisdom and support of the Earth beneath our feet.

Positive energy: The elephant radiates a powerful and uplifting positive energy. These magnificent beings embody an aura of joy, compassion, and a contagious sense of well-being. I perceive the elephant’s guidance as an invitation to embrace positivity and share it generously with those around us. Elephants move gracefully through life, and their gentle presence serves as a reminder to approach challenges with a positive mindset. The elephant spirit guide encourages us to cultivate a positive energy within ourselves, recognising the transformative impact it can have on our own well-being and the collective consciousness. By aligning with the energy of the elephant, we tap into a wellspring of optimism, fostering an atmosphere of positivity that uplifts our spirits and those of others, creating a harmonious resonance that echoes through the interconnected web of existence.

Protection: The elephant stands as a formidable guardian symbolising protection and watchfulness. These majestic beings, with their massive frames and strong tusks, exude an aura of protective energy. I perceive the elephant’s guidance as a call to embrace our protective instincts and extend a shield of safeguarding energy around ourselves and those we hold dear. Elephants are known for their loyalty and dedication to their herds, emphasising the importance of shielding our communities and loved ones from harm. The elephant spirit guide teaches us the art of protective strength, encouraging us to be vigilant and assertive when necessary. By aligning with the energy of the elephant, we learn to create a sacred space of safety and security, ensuring that the profound energy of protection permeates our spiritual journey and shields us from negative influences on the path ahead.

Nurturing instinct: The elephant embodies an extraordinary nurturing instinct that resonates with the depths of compassion and care. These majestic beings, known for their close-knit family bonds and gentle demeanour, symbolise the essence of maternal and paternal love. I interpret the elephant’s guidance as a profound call to nurture and protect those within our spiritual and physical circles. Elephants display a remarkable tenderness toward their young, emphasising the importance of fostering a nurturing environment for growth and well-being. The elephant spirit guide encourages us to tap into our innate nurturing instincts, offering support and kindness to ourselves and others. By aligning with the energy of the elephant, we learn the sacred art of nurturing, creating a space where love and compassion flourish, and the interconnected web of existence is woven with threads of tender care and understanding.

Sensitivity: The elephant illuminates the path of profound sensitivity and emotional awareness. These majestic beings, with their deep-set eyes and expressive gestures, exude a remarkable sensitivity to the world around them. I interpret the elephant’s guidance as an invitation to embrace our own emotional landscape and heighten our sensitivity to the energies that flow within and around us. Elephants navigate their social structures with a keen awareness of the feelings and needs of their herd, teaching us the importance of empathetic connection. The elephant spirit guide encourages us to honor our emotional responses and those of others, fostering a compassionate and harmonious environment. By aligning with the energy of the elephant, we learn to navigate the delicate threads of emotions with grace, recognising that sensitivity is a profound gift that allows us to forge deeper connections and contribute to the collective well-being of the spiritual tapestry we are woven into.

Conclusion: The elephant spirit animal can be a great ally if you feel like you’re going through a difficult time or simply need a little extra peace in your life. They are strong, capable animals that are also extremely nurturing, which makes them an ideal animal to call on when you need help to find your next step in life. They will show you that it’s okay to be vulnerable sometimes, while also teaching you about the importance of being courageous and standing up for yourself. If the elephant is a part of your life, then this means that it’s time for you to shine brightly and make a big impact on the world around you!

The information on this page was inspired by: Elephant Symbolism & Spiritual Meaning by Elena Harris

I meant what I said and I said what I meant. An elephant’s faithful one-hundred percent!Dr. Seuss
Thamsanqa Kundalini Yoga

Thamsanqa  is a given name, from the Xhosa, Ndebele and Zulu word meaning ‘blessing(s)‘fortune’ or ‘luck’.